Wednesday 22 October 2014

Love and money...should they mix

So the story goes, that someone related to me had a boyfriend.  Said boyfriend really likes investing in the stockmarket...(perhaps obsessed is a better term).  Relationships not going so well, so girl decides maybe if she gets excited about something that he is excited about, things will go better.  So she invests money in the stockmarket.  Not a lot...but for her...a lot.  She invests $800 in PHM....half at .32 and half at .37 cents.  Relationship ends.  Girl heartbroken.   Wants to remove everything that reminds her of boy from her life.  However, the stock currently sits at .43 cents. Should she sell?

It will cost her $25 to get rid of the stock and she has made $70.

Her lesson?  She decided I was right and never to buy stock because of a guy.  However, now that she is making money...(althougth it's not much) I think maybe I was wrong.:)   I’m glad that she is at least learning about the stock market.  Maybe she needs to get rid of this particular stock at some point because it reminds her of her ex ....but she is getting a good introduction to the financial world.  She does not have a lot of money and hasn't put away for her future , so maybe this is a good start at helping her educate herself.

  For today she is going to keep it in.  She has decided that if she makes any money off of it, she is going to do something really good with the money, and donate it to a worthy cause.  I will work on her, and remind her that maybe she should save half to save for her retirement...but I still have some time for that.:)  Mixing money and love isn't always bad.

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