Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Time to get to work!

Well, its time to get into the real purpose of this blog.  ACTION!

Despite some of my bad habits of not planning as well as I should, I do have some good habits that I think are worth sharing  The good is that I am able to save money.  The bad is...I don't always follow up on the money that I am saving. Sometimes I am just plain tired from everything that is going on around me that I forget certain areas that could be working for our future financial benefit.  So here goes:


If you have children, you are aware that you get a $100 monthly check for each child under the age of 6.  Sadly we are down to getting $100 a month, but everything helps!

Our original family plan was to put half of each month checks into an RESP to help save for our children's education (which according to the rep we met with, the cost is going to be astronomical).  We did end up opening an RESP for all three children through a company, however, had the money auto deposited through my husbands bank account.  That left the government money for the kids coming to me directly each month via check. Yes...I should have transferred the money into our family checking account, but I figured it couldn't hurt to put it aside if we weren't actually missing it.  So every month I have deposited it  into my personal bank account...which obviously has no income...just a little bit of savings.   I rarely use this account and am pretty good about not splurging and have only used it if a special need arose.  I may have dipped into it a few times, but currently have $9000 in savings in there, which I plan to save for my children's future.  Sad thing has been growing over some time, untouched...earning zero interest...basically doing nothing.  I know.  I don't even know what to do with it.  

Truth is, I don't want to add it to the childrens RESP account because after blog hopping it appears that  we may have been taken in and are paying some pretty steep enrollment prices and have seen some fairly negative reviews of people who invested in the same company.  More on that in a different post. 

So what to do? 

The goals for the money are to be there to help our kids out with education and  missions for our church should they decide to go. My biggest hope will be to support and educate my children in being able to earn money for each of those events themselves...however...we will be happy to help or loan....and maybe if we are independently wealthy, we may gift some.


As I mentioned about the secret account at the beginning of this blog...I took that to heart.  I was single and still had my secret bank account theories, so I met with an advisor at Royal Bank and started doing some auto deductions each month  - both into an investment and an RRSP account.  I was working at the college at the time, and didn't have a great income but did manage to set some aside without touching it.  When I got married, my husband had already bought a house, and so we just left that money alone.   It became my secret that he knew about...but one I didn't have to touch.  So empowering.:)   Once I had my first child, 11 years ago, I stopped working...and have since left the account alone.

I embarrassing. I virtually haven't talked to anyone about the account for over almost 10 years.   I look at the statements once in a while...and it has slowly grown...but obviously may need to be looked at.  The money market fund that holds $9500 in it, earned a whopping $11.76 interest during the last period....OOOOOPS, while the Balanced fund with only $3,500.00 earned $123.67 interest during the last period.)

That would be why I finally decided its time to get down to business and pay attention.  

Regardless of how ignorant I have been to areas of finance that could have been providing better just goes to show, that even people who are trying hard to save money at the grocery store can be missing small areas that with even just an hour or two of attention can make a big difference to future savings.   

As was previously disclosed...I have no idea what to do with the money once we have saved it.  And...just for your information we have no special affiliation with any particular bank or institution.  I am just trying to share what I learn through my journey.  In will soon find that we bank through several different institutions.  I don't know if that is a good or bad thing but I will try and find out.:)

So step one has been taken:  I made an appointment to meet with the bank on Friday morning to address the two problems I plan to work on first.  I will keep you posted. 

(disclaimer:   I know that these seem to be first-world challenges to have, and am so aware of those who are struggling...or who are working from pay check to pay check to make ends meet.  I will try and get to those challenges later.  For now in our situation...I am choosing to forget about issues in our lives like impending unemployment, job hunting, celiac disease and the additional cost to our family budget, and a dental implant that needs to happen.   We all are faced with difficulties, but I am hoping that there are ways that we can all work through financial stresses and come out on top.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Failed stay at home money making attempts

During my time as a stay at home mom, I have tried several different ways to earn extra income.  Sometimes it just doesn't ever feel like there is quite enough to splurge on something that you want but don't really need to have.

My first attempt at trying to make extra money was that of Secret Shopper. hard could it be.  I completed the online training course and then started to apply for assignments.  However, I quickly realized the excursions were not something easily accomplished with children in tow, travelling time took a lot longer than I thought and then filling out those lengthy forms with all of the details, was possible, but just a lot more time consuming than I thought it could ever be.  After all was said and done, I did end up earning some money..however, ended up losing the account information for  paypal , and to this day, years later, have never sorted that out.   At least I know. 

My next was newspaper deliverer.  My plan was brilliant.  While earning extra money to help fund our Christmas, I could teach my children the value of work and the joy of working together to accomplish something.  Well, my theory was timing perhaps a little off.  6 and 4 were fairly poor ages to take children delivering newspapers.  Every  outing started out great, until the kids started fighting and screaming about one thing or another, and then when the Albertan winter started up I knew this was not a long term career choice.  We lasted about 6 months and then decided to pass off our route onto another lucky family in the neighborhood.   

That was when I realized, perhaps the best way to save was to be more wise and prudent steward of the money that my husband was bringing home.:)  This is a work in progress. I love being home with my kids and being able to be there for them.  I am very blessed!   I have always loved to write, and although writing a novel has been more of a long time dream of mine than writing a blog, I figure the practise of writing on this blog each day...although probably not a way to earn money, is definitely a way to hone my skill in the area writing and of Finance.  Win Win?  Oh, and maybe my kids might learn a thing or to as well!:)  A mom can dream!  Triple Win!

Monday, 28 April 2014

My personal homemaking Lattè Factor.....

Last night, I sadly ran out of dishwasher soap.  In a desperate moment this afternoon, I  quickly drove  to Shoppers to buy some.....all so I didn't have to hand wash them up before supper.  (yes...getting in the car and driving to a store, honestly felt a lot more manageable then washing them all by hand.:)  Choosing the best deal, meant having to pick up a pack of 20 tabs for $7.99.    No coupon and definitely not a sale item.  Not even Shoppers Optimum points.  Sad.  Normally I can pick up a pack of 80 for under $20.

 This is one of the more frustrating parts of homemaking.. and one that I believe happens in millions of households a year....if you don't plan can end up wasting a lot of money on items you deem immediately essential.   This is all excess money that can be put towards something like an RRSP or towards a fun family vacation.  The truth is,  I knew a few days ago that I was getting low...but chose procrastination and forgot to add it to my weekend grocery list.  It doesn't take a mathematician to realize how much money is wasted when we are desperate to grab something at our convenience.

The "Latte factor" (term coined by Author David Bach)  is often used to describe something that we repetitively waste our money on.  However, most people that are trying to live frugally, are pretty good about skipping the coffee and avoiding eating out as much as possible.  What we all do have is  area's in our daily routines that by simply planning ahead we could save money on.  Had I planned ahead with the  dishwasher tabs, I would have had the money to enjoy a hot drink as a treat, or had a few extra dollars to put towards something I am saving towards.   As a mom of three, I can't begin to tell you how many  dollars I wasted on diapers simply because I felt I couldn't afford to buy ahead when there was a specific sale and because I preferred a specific brand.  I probably could have helped fund one of my childrens RESP's......  It's too late now, but it's not too late to move forward!:)

How we manage our homes and daily routines provides so many opportunities for us to save financially.  I am excited to begin my quest of becoming better organized at home so that  I am not letting unnecessary funds slip through the cracks.  In this day and era of technology (I love you Pinterest), finding these holes is hopefully going to be a lot easier to do.:)