Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Failed stay at home money making attempts

During my time as a stay at home mom, I have tried several different ways to earn extra income.  Sometimes it just doesn't ever feel like there is quite enough to splurge on something that you want but don't really need to have.

My first attempt at trying to make extra money was that of Secret Shopper.  Really...how hard could it be.  I completed the online training course and then started to apply for assignments.  However, I quickly realized the excursions were not something easily accomplished with children in tow, travelling time took a lot longer than I thought and then filling out those lengthy forms with all of the details, was possible, but just a lot more time consuming than I thought it could ever be.  After all was said and done, I did end up earning some money..however, ended up losing the account information for  paypal , and to this day, years later, have never sorted that out.   At least I know. 

My next was newspaper deliverer.  My plan was brilliant.  While earning extra money to help fund our Christmas, I could teach my children the value of work and the joy of working together to accomplish something.  Well, my theory was great...my timing perhaps a little off.  6 and 4 were fairly poor ages to take children delivering newspapers.  Every  outing started out great, until the kids started fighting and screaming about one thing or another, and then when the Albertan winter started up I knew this was not a long term career choice.  We lasted about 6 months and then decided to pass off our route onto another lucky family in the neighborhood.   

That was when I realized, perhaps the best way to save was to be more wise and prudent steward of the money that my husband was bringing home.:)  This is a work in progress. I love being home with my kids and being able to be there for them.  I am very blessed!   I have always loved to write, and although writing a novel has been more of a long time dream of mine than writing a blog, I figure the practise of writing on this blog each day...although probably not a way to earn money, is definitely a way to hone my skill in the area writing and of Finance.  Win Win?  Oh, and maybe my kids might learn a thing or to as well!:)  A mom can dream!  Triple Win!

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