Thursday, 1 May 2014

Beauty onThursdays

One of the reasons I have been scared to start a financial blog is because I think it is so easy to go overboard thinking about money.  As I mentioned before, money is necessary for us to survive, but it definitely doesn't equal happiness.   There is so much beauty in the world that is free to all of us for the taking if we will just take the time to look around and notice it.  Sometimes we can even create it, and I hope that is what we will do.

Yesterday I was in line at a grocery store (yes...I shop a lot trying to save on money...its a problem).  However, in front of me was the cutest (a little windblown) elderly lady, who was talking quite a bit, and we got onto the topic of the weather (definitely an Albertan topic of conversation in 2014).  She shared how she doesn't get headaches and even though she had a severe accident that affected her neck, she never gets migraines and her doctor is amazed.  She then went on to say, 'but I serve God, and so He takes care of me good.'

This isn't a religious blog...but it is all intertwined.:)   I hope that on Thursdays I will be able to share something uplifting that reminds us to look around and appreciate the beauty and blessings in our lives.

For today, I would like to share a quote my sister loves to help inspire us this spring.:)

              "He who plants a garden, plants happiness."

Take a few minutes to plan something that you can grow at your home this springtime.  Container gardening has become huge, so there is no excuse for any of us.   If you really don't have the space or resources, try and find a few extra loonies to purchase a few tulips or even one flower to bring some life and beauty into your home.  And better yet...bring some to someone else as well. 

Make it a great day!


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